Friday, January 7, 2011

The Louvre and the end of my day in Paris.

The first reaction to the Louvre says it all. I'm not a art guy but anyone can appreciate this amazing place. I mean the whole building is a work of art. Everywhere you look there's something interesting.

Here's the Rockstar of the Louvre. The mona lisa

 This was actually one of my favorite pics. His eyes looked like he was looking right at you. This was in the same room as the Mona Lisa.

 This is the world's oldest found sculpture. 5000 years old or something like that.

This is when i snuck into this super high end hotel and i was leaving for the day. Pretty Cool.

 This was some Russian guy getting wasted on Vodka on the tour bus. SO funny. He also downed a big bag of BBG lays chips.

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