Thursday, January 6, 2011

Trafalger Square, Buckingham Palace And Winston Churchill's Bunker

So the next day i got up at 5:30 a.m. in the morning and went straight to Buckingham Palace but before I got there I was just amazing by the architecture. It truly blew me away. I was staying in a hostel in Westminster which i would recommend to anyone. Probably the nicest hostel i stayed in. Here's a video of me walking to Trafalger square. I was walking down Regent Street in Westminster.

The shops and everyone getting ready for the day, it was i really neat feeling being out on what is normally a really busy street when it was just waking up. Next I arrived at Trafalgar square and i first walked by the Canada house which was a very proud moment being Canadian myself. And you come up to these HUGE lions and the Art museum and a beautiful church, it's almost too much to take in. It's something that i would recommend to do in there lifetime. There were two things that actually caught my eye. One was a statue of a WW2 fighter pilot who was a fighter ace that was just to the left of me and the other was the GRAND entrance that would lead me towards Buckinghame Palace.

I was still really early here and no one around which was great! Although that car next to the lion's kinda bothered me. So on to Buckinham Palace which was ok. I mean the walkway was very grand and there were so many cool statues to look at along the way. Also a beautiful park on the left hand side. There is also a gate just to the right of the Palace that says Canada on it which i really thought was neat.

oh and sorry about the zoom. i forgot it was on a bit. And if brit's are watching this i apologize about that comment about the queen. I regret saying it. Anyhow After this it was off to Churchill's bunker which i will post tomorrow. Here is my Day 2 video Blog.

Ok so i guess because i was tired or whatever but i went throught Winston Churchill's Bunker i'll talk about it here in my second video. I'll add some pics for you too. It was AMAZING.

Ok that's it for today. Please if you have any questions for me or want to see some pics of anything just email me and let me know. I'll post them for you.

Here is my Closing thoughts on London. Thanks and here's the pics as promised.

 This is that entrance that leads to the road to Buckingham Palace. I think it's called Mall road.

 Awesome Memorial near Churchill's Bunker and near Buckingham Palace

 This is the entrance to Winston's Bunker. It's funny cause apparently he would be on the roof during bombings.

 There was always a security guard at all times for obvious reasons.

 This would tell them what the weather was like. So this is what the weather was like the day the war ended.

 This was wrapped over Churchill's coffin. They also had a Churchill momorial in the bunker. Very cool!!!

 This is a map in the war room. It's funny cause somebody doodled a pic of hitler in the ocean.

 Wondering why i took a pic of a light. Cause it's not. It's a lighter so they could light there smokes and cigars

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