Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Nazi War Museum in Oberzeitzberg. This captures the true horror of the Nazi Party

Day 10 my experience of the Nazi War Museum which is below.

 This used to be where an Elite Nazi regiment were to guard the political members of the 3rd Reich. Now it's the Museum and was the hub of all the connecting tunnels. The tunnels all lead to here and went from house to house from Speer, Goring, Borman, to Hitler's Berghof.
 This is at the entrance of the museum some propoganda
 This is a layout of where all the houses were and connecting tunnels. How it was laid out.
 Examples of genecide at a death camp
 Polish people being hung for no apparent reason. Just for speaking out.

 This picture impacted me the most. It's a polish preist being shot. Just standing there about to die.

 This is actually a very important piece of history. In the mid 30's Hitler had a unit called the SS stormtroopers and they went through Poland and eastern europe murdering thousands of people. Apparently they killed more than 20,000 people per month for 2 years straight. And we know this for sure because the nazi's documented absolutely everything.
 Proof of them documenting the elimination of jews and poles.
 All the labor and death camps in europe.
 Jewish propaganda for kids to read.

 Hitler rally in Munich. Where the National Socialist Party was created. which is known as the Nazi party.
 THis is actually the mayor of Berchestgaden at the time of the war and he spoke out against the Nazi's so of course he was thrown in jail but not killed. And when the war was over he would be mayor again. Pretty cool story.
 This is actually a very rare picture because it's a pic of Hitler's bodyguards. One of only 3 documented pics of his personal bodyguards. This was in Munich. ( MUNCHEN )

 Nuremberg Rallies. Zepplin Field. Absolutely HUGE. I went there. I'll have footage later.

 Meind Kamph

 Hitler's house the Berghof. It was bombed to shit.

 Picture of the eagles nest where i was about to climb.

 Lookout tower near Hitler's Berghof.
 This is the yards where the museum is now.

 101st airborne climbing the eagles nest.
 French Resistance.

 These are the Tunnels and various rooms for protection just in case of an invasion. Never used because hitler went to Berlin to have his last stand.

So this is the end of my day and tomorrow is the climb up the Eagles Nest!!!!

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